"Barefoot Medicine Goes Digital" at UCRP -- BNICEH and Green Think Tank...Sponsor
BNICEH is co-sponsoring with Green Think Tank for the Disability Community and Acuwerks, a dynamic talk by key speaker Dr. Frank Yurasek of Barefoot Medicine Society, Acuwerks and HealLand:
Barefoot Medicine Goes Digital
Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Yurasek, this introductory session is FREE to the community.
Date: Sat. July 11, 2009
Time: 2-6 p.m.
Where: United Church of Rogers Park
Overdier Hall - 3rd floor
1545 W. Morse
Chicago IL 60626
Dr. Maat of BNICEH and Green Think Tank for the Disability Community says Listen Up:
Check out the details at the website and blogs listed. And remember to tune in to Rogers Park station "From the Heartland" WLUW FM 88 FM Sat. July 4 from 9 - 10 am for more information, or come down to eat and listen to the show at Heartland Cafe 7000 N. Glenwood Ave Chicago IL 60626:
Meet Sy Bounds, the Blog Professor, blogging coach, and creator of innovative digital flash drive technology, to drive your online green business e.g. healing or medical practice, jewelry business, art and crafts business, sustainable living, green building and architecture, bicycle repair shop, appointment setting and scheduling, taxi or other transportation, etc.
Sy Bounds says
New Gen Digital Flash Drive Technology is the way to go and stay ahead of the game; along with using blogging and Google tools, it's best practice for digitized business.
BNICEH and Green Think Tank...Sponsors Barefoot Medicine Goes Digital by Dr. Ayo Maat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.multiply.com/drmaat/journal.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.home.comcast.net/~ayomaat.
Labels: " Dr. Maat", "49th ward", "Barefoot Doctors", "the blog professor", BNICEH, Chicago, Dr. Frank Yurasek", Healthcare, Rogers Park
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